Artificial Intelligence in Fire & Explosion Investigation – A Cautionary Tale

INTRODUCTION Artificial Intelligence is more than a mere buzzword; it is a pragmatic tool transforming the technology employed by fire and explosion investigators. Understanding what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and how it evolves and potentially impacts our methodology, opinions, and conclusions is intriguing and essential to those investigating fires and explosions. AI, as it is…

Language, Logic, and Fire & Explosion Reports

May 26, 2023|Litigation  A report is only the visible portion of the iceberg in fire and explosion investigations.  Less attention is paid to reports than to an investigation by the author and intended audience. “ The fire investigator’s report may be the single most important pence of documentary evidence.”   It is of passing interest that both…

Expert Depositions – The Rules of Engagement

Before a deposition, master the records and facts of the case and have a clear understanding of the opposing counsel’s goals and strategies. Prepare thoroughly, alone and with your attorney, because the opposing counsel will be sizing you up as a witness. Approach the deposition with humility, confidence, and a good understanding of how to…